Pranavi Tadivalasa

Sophomore at IIITA

About Me

Pranavi Tadivalasa

I am currently pursuing my undergrad at IIITA. I am quite an Entusiast. I like to explore new things and I believe being different is what we need rather than being better. A creative mind Person. I also have keen interest in designing websites and playing with circuits.

This Portfolio represents all my achievements, my projects which i have done till far and about me. I like to dance in free time , play piano , fun with skates and many more. I feel genuine learning comes through experience , view the life as a continuous learning experience.

My Projects

Motion Detector

The system uses a PIR sensor to detect motion and send to the Arduino, which detects any moment in the room or around the motion sensor. which in turn triggers a buzzer and LED simultaneously.

Using GNU Radio

AM signals are created with help of this software which creats an AM transmittor and Receiver. the signal is sent via a socket to the second section to demodulate the signal. The Graphical User Interface is used to create it.

diabetes Detection

Machine learning can help people make a preliminary judgment using decision tree, random forest and neural network about diabetes according to their daily physical examination data.